
I'm Tired of Wanting to be an Entrepreneur. I'd Rather be a Problem Solver.

I'm writing FOSS software from now on because I'm suck at marketing and I'm sick of it. I've had enough of trying to sell someone something.
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Beating Doom in 2024

So I missed out on the masterpiece that birthed my favorite genre of games. Time to rectify that error.
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I Wasn't Making Games the right Way Until I Picked Godot Back Up

I was ignoring the advice I give to so many web developers when learning to code. I wasn't building anything. And then I updated Godot.
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How to Add Page Building Functionality to a Headless WordPress Site Built with a Sveltekit Frontend

Many times clients want to have a headless website, but retain the page builder aspects they've come to enjoy from plugins they install in WordPress. Now you can have the best of both worlds.
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Unity Pricing Changes are Anti-Developer

Unity's new pricing changes are not only irresponsible, they're a huge problem for indie game developers.
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There's Nothing Wrong with Being a Technical Jack of All Trades

We were raised to believe that we needed to grind for ten thousand hours to master a skill and be successful. But maybe Gladwell missed something.
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Why I am Choosing Unity as my Game Engine in 2023

Every game developer asks themselves the same question in the beginning. What game engine do I pick? I went with Unity, and here's why.
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Why I switched from Notion to Obsidian for almost Everything

Notion is a great productivity application that allows for note taking, but Obsidian has it beat. This is why I switched.
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Hey Ryan, How do You Agile?

Agile isn't a silver bullet, but it could get a lot closer if we took the time to understand the manifesto.
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Turning Static HTML Elements into Advanced Custom Fields, the fast way

I was tired of turning all my static HTML elements into ACF content mappings in the backend of all our headless WordPress builds, so I built a converter.
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Using Stellate to Make WPGraphQL MUCH Faster

Stellate is a caching service that can make WPGraphQL much, much faster. And that's important for anyone loading your website.
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Why I'm Done Redesigning My Website

Another six months, another website redesign. I'm tired of overthinking the design for this website and staring at Figma for hours.
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